Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog!😁
I want to introduce one website that will be very useful both for students and teachers! We might be bored with conventional learning method and media. So, here's the website: TED-ED!
How to make a learning media using TED-ED? Let me show you!
1. Create an account on ed.ted.com. Choose either educator to create a lesson, or student to search and join the lesson.
2. Create your lesson.
a. Click create and choose "Lesson"
b. Search video that might be suitable for your lesson. In TED-ED, the videois are come from YouTube and TED-ED channel.
c. Click the video that you choose and then click continue.
d. Fill the content.
On "Let's Begin" you can fill the description of your lesson. You can add quizzes such as multiple choice question or open answer question on "Think" section. On "Dig Deeper" section, we can write additional information about our lesson such as fun facts. On "Discussion", discussion topic or question can be added there. Last but not least, on "And Finally..." session, we can put conclusion of the lesson.
3. Your lesson has been created!
You can share it to your students and your class will be more interesting!
Here is an example of TED-ED lesson made by me : https://ed.ted.com/on/DuscR187
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